Yoga as a Foundation for

Pelvic Floor Health

Even though the pelvic floor is the "foundation" of the core, this area of the body often remains an “off-limits” topic resulting in giggles and blushing.  Together we can normalize this area of the body through conversation and education!

The pelvic floor is a complex trampoline or dome of muscles with three important functions: internal organ support, healthy elimination, and sexual functioning which includes giving birth. Pelvic floor dysfunction can develop any time in life: after childbirth, due to hormonal changes, after surgery, due to a seemingly unknown cause, and also in men. When there is too much tone or not enough, concerns such as pelvic pain and incontinence may occur (and a myriad of other dysfunctions), affecting quality of life.

The good news?

1.) You can help yourself.

2.) The body is retrainable!

Yoga's approach to pelvic floor health isn't just about "poses" or just the area of the pelvic floor. Yoga’s approach is a body-mind-lifestyle approach that focuses on the whole person. New clients fill out a confidential intake form and are offered an initial chat over the phone.  Typically, four (4) weekly sessions are scheduled, during which clients can look forward to education about the body and posture; inquiry into food intake and elimination habits; a look at stress and anxiety; breathing practices; and specific, tailored yoga movement and positions based on individual needs.  Attention to breathing, posture, and stress cannot be overstated.

Pelvic Floor Yoga™ is a complementary and whole-life approach to pelvic floor health, and does not diagnose or replace conventional medical care.

Dawn sees private clients and offers group workshops around Pelvic Floor Health and works with local pelvic floor physical therapists to support each person better.

20 minute free consultation + 4 Private Sessions | $300 = an investment that lasts a lifetime